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Anchor 1
by John Crocker - Music & Lyrics by Eric Gilder
Directed by:
Friday 9 to Saturday 17 December 2011
Mary Wallace Theatre
Full of Eastern promise, the Arabian Nights, rags-to-riches tale of Aladdin is packed with magic, fun and adventure, making it a pantomime hard to beat. Come and enjoy Aladdin's story. Meet his outrageous mother Widow Twankey, Wishee Washee, her laundry boy, the wicked Magician Abanazar, the Emperor and Empress of China, their beautiful daughter Princess Baldroubadour, Ping and Pong the local policemen, the Slaves of the Ring and the Lamp - plus a panda and a camel!
laudette Williamson; Musical Director - Ralph Blackbourn
Box Office: 07484 927662
PING; PEKIN POLICE FORCE John Gilbert PONG; PEKIN POLICE FORCE Joe Freeman ALADDIN Millie Cook TYPHOO Nerys Williams WISHEE WASHEE Ben Collingwood Best THE EMPEROR OF CHINA Bob Trimble THE EMPRESS OF CHINA Deborah Tinsdale WIDOW TWANKEY Chris Hurles PRINCESS BALDROUBADOUR Josie Dubey ABANAZER Michael Daly SLAVE OF THE RING Angelina Sehgal SLAVE OF THE LAMP David McWha CAMILLA THE CAMEL Maureen Stuart, Sarah Cooper CHORUS Charlotte Priestley, Sarah Hill, Hannah Ehrlich, Emma Winchester, Eleanor Trimby, Marc Batten
Creative Team
Ass. Director:
Set Design:
Lighting Design:
Sound Design:
Stage Manager:
laudette Williamson; Musical Director - Ralph Blackbourn
Ralph Blackbourn
Stephen King
Jim Osmond
Sue Roach, Irene Read
Millie Cook
Lou Stenson, Simon Bartlett
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